Every blogger want to make money from his/her blog. However only those are successful who are passionate and enjoy writing articles. Majority of other bloggers are still struggling to make money online. If you are one among such bloggers, I have a new Tip for you. I have already provided lots of money making Tipson this blog but this time, it’s a new idea i.e “Money Making through Fiverr”. In this post, I will explain you the method of making money through Fiverr.
What Actually is Fiverr.com?
Fiverr is an awesome website which allow everyone to buy or sell different kind of services starting at $5. Here $5 is the minimum price. Maximum price depends upon your skills. Using Fiver, you can buy or sell services like Logo Designing, Article Writing,Web Designing, Promo Video Creation,Testimonial Creator and anything that you can image.
For bloggers, Fiverr can be really helpful. If you have skills like web designing,coding,logo designing,animation creation etc, you can make a lot of money through Fiverr. You can charge at least $5 simply for fixing minor bugs in “WOrdPress” or “Blogger”. Depending upon the complexity of problem, you can increase your charges further. If you are technically unsound, you can still earn handsomly through Fiverr by offering your Content Writing Services,selling Adspaces of your blog etc. For complete information, read the complete post.
How a blogger can make money through Fiverr?
As i informed you earlier, you can charge at least $5 for offering any kind of services. Depending upon your quality and work, you can earn even more than $1000. Your reputation will decide your rates so be loyal to your clients and try to give your best.
Here are some ways for bloggers, using which they can earn money on Fiverr.com
Here are some ways for bloggers, using which they can earn money on Fiverr.com
1. Offer Your Services(Technically Strong Bloggers)
If you are blogger who is good in skills like Web Designing, WordPress Services,Blogger Services,Log designing ,Animation ,Graphic designing ,Programming etc, you can make a huge amount of money through Fiverr. Start with a low budget project i.e of $5. Don’t worry about the price at beginning. Believe me, you would be able to earn more after the Successful completion of few projects.
2. Sell Advertisements on Your Blog
Direct Advertisements are undoubtedly the best way of making money through your blog but getting an advertiser is not that easy. Not everyone can get the approval of “BuySellAds” which is considered best for selling Ad Spaces on your blog. If your blog has a good reputation among visitors, You can get advertisers using Fiverr.
Start selling a small Ad space at any place on your blog for $5. I will suggest you to sell link ad just below the bottom of article. Increase your price for including image,logo or video in the advertisement.
Start selling a small Ad space at any place on your blog for $5. I will suggest you to sell link ad just below the bottom of article. Increase your price for including image,logo or video in the advertisement.
However i will advise you to choose only those Ads that your visitors will at least be interested in . Readers are most important for any bloggers. No one want to lose readers by adding useless Ads in his/blog.
3. Sell Guest Post on Your Blog
A large number of new comapnies are emerging daily across this world. They want to promote their business or product so they normally look for blogs and websites. This strategy is known as “Content Marketing”. If your blog has good reputation, ask for $5 to publish a relevant article. Many companies can ask you to write the article for which you can charge $10-$50 extra.
4. Offer Product Review Service
If your blog is related to any specific niche, you can offer “Product Review” service and earn money. Companies give more importance to Specialist blogs.Due to this reason, I advise every blogger to start blogs on specific niche rather than being an All-Rounder. Ask $5 for reviewing a product of any company. If they send you their product, ask another $20-$50(depending on the nature of product) for returning the product back.
5. Offer a Proposal of Running Giveaway on your Blog
Throughout my blogging career, I have noticed that people show more interest either towards Free products or Premium Products which are offered free to them. Giveaways are a nice way to attract visitors and keep them interested all the time. Business companies understand this fact so they want to run Giveaway of their product on different popular blogs and websites. Latest example is Blogengage which is actively running lots of Giveaways on different blogs. It gives you a chance of making money through Fiverr by offering a proposal of running Giveaway on your blog.
If you will offer this service at $5, I don’t think any company will not accept your proposal. It will not only increase the reach of company’s product but will also increase your number of subscribers.
6. Offer a Proposal of Mentioning any Product with your Followers
If your blog has a good reputation, it’s likely that a large number of people will follow your Pages on different Social networks like Facebook, Google Plus,Twitter, Linkedin etc. For example – more than 50,000 Facebook likes in your Page, More than 50,000 Google Plus Followers, More than 50,000 twitter followers etc.
If your page has more than 50,000 followers, you have a chance of making money through Fiverr. Just offer a Proposal of Mentioning any product/business/services in your social networks just for $5. Believe me, companies will contact you because they always want to promote their products,business or services.
If your page has more than 50,000 followers, you have a chance of making money through Fiverr. Just offer a Proposal of Mentioning any product/business/services in your social networks just for $5. Believe me, companies will contact you because they always want to promote their products,business or services.
How you can Post your Proposal or Services at Fiverr?
You will have to Create a Gig for posting your proposal or services. Creating a Gig is very simple. If you are new to Fiverr, follow the below given steps:
- Log in at Fiverr.com . If you are not a member, you will have to Register yourself first.
- In Menus, click on “Start Selling” Option.
- In this screen, Click on “Create a Gig” Button.
- Now follow the On-screen instructions and complete all the steps.
From the Editor’s Desk
Majority of Bloggers are very much dependent on Google Adsense for making money online. Now , Affiliate marketing is getting popular among bloggers. However, earning Money from Fiverr is not simple like Google Adsense. Using Google Adsense, you can make money just by posting Ads on your blog. Fiverr require little more effort from you. You will have to post your Proposal there which is Known as “Gig” there. If you managed to impress people, it can be a best place for you.
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